Financial Aid

Financial Aid Policy & Programs

pg电子认为,这是一所大学的机会 教育应该是所有感兴趣的人都能接受的. The College's 经济援助计划的目的是帮助学生寻求教育,但 lacks the means to finance it. 财政援助办公室的一个目的是提供帮助 有经济需求的学生需要获得资源来资助他们的教育.

所有被pg电子app下载录取并申请经济援助的学生都将被考虑 不论种族、信仰、肤色、宗教、国籍、性别、 age, or disability. 获得经济资助的学生必须取得令人满意的进步 to continue their eligibility and have documented attendance in all registered classes. 协助完成财政援助申请过程可通过 your local advisor.


  • Federal Pell Grants 
  • 联邦补充教育机会补助金 
  • 联邦工作学习,校园奖学金 
  • outside/private scholarships. 

内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院FAFSA的学校代码是 015339.

ACT College Code:  7953

某些人可能有资格获得特殊形式的经济援助,如职业援助 rehabilitation, veteran's benefits, Bureau of Indian Affairs Higher Education Grants (FAFSA必须完成并有严格的截止日期)和成人职业培训,以及 劳动力发展法案资金. 强烈鼓励尽早申请所有财政援助资金来源. A 建议在开始上课前30天开始上课.

所有助学金和奖学金将记入学生账户,以支付项目费用 such as tuition, and fees. 如果学生资助超过了教育费用,超出的部分将被退还 根据pg电子app下载的财政援助支付时间表,学生到 maximum cost of attendance. 助学金和奖学金的目的是只涵盖 your educational expense.


Financial Aid Office

pg电子app下载经济援助办公室是学生的官方机构保管处 financial aid records. 财政援助信息和申请可通过 this office. 经济援助办公室与学生、家长和辅导员一起工作 确定获得一种或几种经济援助的资格 帮助支付教育费用的援助.


FAFSA Applications and Procedures

All regular degree or certificate-seeking students at pg电子app下载 who are interested in financial aid assistance or scholarships must complete the Free Application for Federal Student (FAFSA)在注册课程之前. The FAFSA form is at FAFSA®申请|联邦学生援助. pg电子app下载对FAFSA的学校代码是 015339. You will sign this online application with a pin # and if you are a dependent student 您的父母或监护人需要使用他们自己的密码签名.

For the first time, the new MyStudentAid mobile app makes it possible for you to complete the FAFSA on your phone or tablet. You can download the app for your Apple or Android device.

申请必须在家长和/或学生提交后才能完成 federal income taxes. 使用准确的实际数据尽快完成FAFSA 您的所得税表格(1040、1040A或1040EZ表格)中的数字. If you do not have 一份你的纳税申报表副本,你可以使用上面的链接 to access your tax information. 如果您还没有提交联邦纳税申报表,请 咨询财务援助办公室或AAR员工.

This application will determine how much you and your family should be able to contribute 支付你的大学费用,并证明你有资格申请联邦援助项目, 部落高等教育,以及校园奖学金. 处理FAFSA申请 提交所有Pin #(签名)后需要7至10天.

学生将被考虑所有类型的联邦,州或机构资助 有些基金是先到先得的,所以请尽早申请. 有关财政援助,奖学金机会和其他信息 政策联系财政援助办公室或你当地的顾问.



Satisfactory Academic Progress

Federal regulations require that institutions participating in federal financial aid 项目衡量学生的进步. 除非机构同意,否则不得支付资金 确定学生在课程中保持令人满意的进步 studies he/she is pursuing, according to the standards and practices of the institution 学生出席的会议. At the end of each term 所有学生将被评估是否取得满意的学业进展.

要取得令人满意的成绩,每个学生都必须满足质量、数量、 and Funding Limit criteria.

Each student who receives Federal financial aid must have at least a minimum cumulative 平均绩点(GPA),由其尝试的学分定义:
二年级学生:已修满31学分或以上的学生,要求CGPA 2.0

The student is eligible for financial aid when they successfully earn with a passing A, B, C, D或P的成绩至少占累计尝试学分的67% term. 分数F、UW、W或I被认为是不及格的分数.

pg电子app下载 does 下列成绩以尝试时数计算,并计算为CGPA:
● Grade of an “F”

pg电子app下载 does not 将以下课程计算为尝试或获得.
● Audited classes

Student’s Quantitative progress will be calculated as Cumulative Earned Credit/Cumulative Attempted Credit. 例如:一个学生在一个学期尝试12个学分 成功完成6项将不符合标准2的要求.

Students who fail to meet these standards are deemed to be making unsatisfactory progress 和财政援助将受到影响. 学生将收到书面通知 从财政援助办公室了解他们的情况. Copies will also be provided to 教务长、教务长和学生的指导老师. Students not meeting 最低标准将受到经济援助警告或暂停.

Financial Aid Warning, Suspension, Probation, Academic Plan, and Regaining Eligibility are defined under Academic Progress.

学生有责任在申请申请时通知助学金办公室 是否已达到复职的学业进度要求. Students will be notified in writing if they are being placed on financial aid warning or suspension.


Financial Aid Funding Limit

所有的联邦财政援助资格被限制在公布长度的150% 该机构的教育项目. 因此,对学生的资助有限制 在pg电子app下载注册的学生将根据申报的个人情况进行评估 有关尝试学分的程序. 超过这个资助限额,学生将会 预计将自费继续上课. Course work transferred from 另一所院校将按累计总额的150%计算. Appeals 可通过学生学术委员会(教务长、 Dean of Student Services, Registrar, Financial Aid, Student Billing and an appointed Faculty member).



The Nebraska Indian Community College offers several scholarships established by private organizations and individuals. 每个奖学金的标准和奖励金额各不相同.

Applications for the following scholarships are available from the Financial Aid Office or campus Advisors.

  • American Indian College Fund -美国印第安大学基金为有示范能力的学习者提供帮助 high scholastic achievement. 这些奖学金可颁发给符合下列条件的任何学生 表现出较高的学术成就,并有未满足的经济需求. A portion 此奖学金的一部分可颁发给非本地学生.
  • Beam Emergency Funding

    寻求生活中意外紧急情况的帮助. 我们知道生活是不可预测的. Unexpected costs and needs can cause significant stress and impact your academic success and personal well-being. pg电子app下载有一个学生应急基金来帮助你走上正轨 达到你的学术和职业目标.

    Beam紧急援助可以帮助您处理意想不到的财务紧急情况,如 as car payments, car repairs, car insurance, rent for housing, utilities, and medical and dental. 

    学生必须满足以下要求才能获得资格:批准学术地位或 通过学术计划,验证学位申请,验证入学 在当前任期内,验证完成的FAFSA和验证. 
  • 高中毕业生成功奖学金 pg电子app下载 offers scholarships to all incoming High School Graduates who are enrolled Native 美国人(亦可提供后裔证明)或内布拉斯加州居民. This scholarship 适用于学生在攻读学位课程期间的全部时间 只要学生从秋天坚持到春天,再从秋天坚持到春天 terms.
  • 学生必须在高中毕业之日起9个月内入学 completion 他们最后的通识教育文凭.
  • 全日制学生(至少12学分)将有资格获得1000美元.00 annually o 学生必须每年秋季和春季学期入学,直到毕业 pg电子app下载.
  • Students must maintain a 2.0 CGPA.  从第二学期开始,学生将会 被要求保持良好的学术成绩.
  • 内布拉斯加州的居民或联邦承认的部落的成员或显示后裔的 提供出生证明和父母登记(与登记办公室联系) for additional questions).
  • 学生将不需要证明需要经济援助.
  • High School Graduate Scholarship for less than full time or students that do not meet 入学或居住要求 非全日制高中毕业生将获得500美元.00 scholarship the first year of enrollment.
  • 学生必须在高中毕业之日起9个月内入学 完成最后的通识教育文凭.
  • 学生将不需要证明需要经济援助.
  • 长者/长者学费减免 - pg电子app下载为55岁或以上的公民提供不可退还的学费减免 自入学第一天起. 符合条件的老年人需付费 与入场费和注册费有关. Tuition-paying students have 如果课程达到容量,优先于老年人. 
  • Summer Tuition Waiver - pg电子app下载 offers non-refundable tuition waivers for summer semester when students successfully complete their course work. 学生必须寻求所有经济援助的可能性 prior to receiving this waiver. 一旦夏季学期结束,学生应该 complete the form and submit a copy of their grades with it to the Business Office/Student Billing. 
  • Other Scholarships pg电子app下载提供其他奖学金机会,包括: 
  • AIHEC Student of The Year Scholarship - request an application from your campus Student Support.
  • 美国印第安学生奖学金机会
  • 自行车穿越内布拉斯加州奖学金 
  • Coca Cola Scholarships -可口可乐学者计划奖学金是一项基于成就的奖学金 颁发给高中毕业生. 学生的能力得到了认可 to lead and serve, as well as their commitment to making a significant impact on their schools and communities. 在2021年的第33届,基金会提供了 超过6450名可口可乐奖学金获得者,获得了超过7500万美元的教育支持. 150 可口可乐学者每年被选中获得20,000美元的奖学金. 
  • Derm Review教育奖学金计划 -成功的申请人将获得$2,000,可用于课程 and tuition fees as well as training, books, and other educational materials, devices, and software. 为了确保成功的申请者能从中得到最大的收获 their prize, the recipient will be able to choose how they use their Derm Review Education Scholarship.
  • ScholarshipQuest -这个免费的数据库包含2000多个内布拉斯加州的奖学金.
  • NASA scholarship - NASA Nebraska Space Grant is part of NASA’s National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program.  我们是美国52个太空资助联盟之一 自1991年以来,成功推动了州内与航空航天有关的活动.
  • 美国海岸警卫队大学生预服役计划奖学金 Program) CSPI是一个为表现出高水平的有动力的个人设计的项目 优秀的学术和领导能力,并渴望为国家服务 United States Coast Guard.
  • 康复村保健奖学金The Recovery Village 在提供独特机会的同时,是否致力于提供卓越的服务 为了教育和个人发展. As part of this commitment, The Recovery Village 为攻读医学相关课程的学生提供1000美元的奖学金 study.
  • Chief Standing Bear Scholarship - The Chief Standing Bear Scholarship was created in 2017 to support post-secondary education for American Indian students 加入部落并能提供部落归属证明的. The story of Ponca Chief Standing Bear’s struggle is one of perseverance and triumph over adversity. Chief Standing Bear’s exemplary traits can be admired and modeled by current day American Indian youth.
  • 相信教育的内在价值和每个人追求学位的权利. We created our site as a free resource to help everyone address the costs of an education in a way that works for them. 有一条通往价格合理的高等教育之路.
  • Scholarship America DreamkeepersNebraska Indian Community College's emergency aid program provides assistance to students 由于意外的经济危机而面临退学的风险. This assistance was created to help students stay in college and meet their educational goals, ultimately, 确保一个更好的财务未来.
  • 军人和退伍军人经济援助计划 - For decades, the military has helped active-duty service members, reserves, national 警卫队和退伍军人通过提供教育援助来上学. The Montgomery 《pg电子》®每月为接受高等教育或工作的军人提供津贴 培训和服役人员可以享受这些福利长达36个月.


我们鼓励学生完成正在进行的互联网搜索 大学奖学金全年开放. Students must understand that 申请奖学金并不一定意味着学生将获得奖学金 scholarship. 所有的奖学金都是有竞争力的,在大多数情况下,都与高学费挂钩 平均成绩和/或未满足的需求. 所有奖学金的截止日期都严格遵守. 大多数奖学金都需要书面证明 申请人的论文,照片或其他文件.


Types of Financial Aid Assistance

● Federal PELL grant
● Federal Work Study (FWS)
● Must be a U.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民
● Must not be in default on a student loan or owe a refund on a grant previously received from any college. 如果您在此过程中需要帮助,请联系您的财务 Aid Director.
● Must demonstrate financial need

The award amount is based on cost of attendance, enrollment status, prior year's income, 以及每学年的入学人数. Students are required to be in good standing in their classes. 内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院不提供联邦奖学金 Direct Loans.

印第安事务局(BIA)高等教育拨款项目提供财政支持 assistance to American Indian students, who are enrolled members of federally recognized tribes. 有兴趣申请BIA高等教育补助金或成人职业教育补助金的学生 教育补助金必须联系他们部落的高等教育项目申请 procedures and deadlines.

为了完成部落助学金的申请程序,学生必须有 completed a FAFSA. 这些项目的截止日期在秋季、春季和夏季有所不同 semesters or sessions. 请与你的注册机构核实确切的截止日期. BIA funding is limited, so apply early.

The Nebraska Indian Community College offers several scholarships established by private organizations and individuals. 每个奖学金的标准和奖励金额各不相同.
Applications for the following scholarships are available from the Financial Aid Office or campus Advisors.

The American Indian College Fund provides assistance to learners who demonstrate high scholastic achievement. 这些奖学金可以颁发给任何表现优异的学生 学业成绩优异,经济需求未得到满足. A portion of this scholarship 可以颁发给非本地学生.


pg电子app下载 offers scholarships to all incoming High School Graduates who are enrolled Native
美国人(亦可提供后裔证明)或内布拉斯加州居民. This scholarship applies
对于学生在攻读学位课程的整个时间来说 as the

  • 学生必须在高中毕业之日起9个月内入学 completion 他们最后的通识教育文凭.
  • 全日制学生(至少12学分)将有资格获得1000美元.00 annually
  • 学生必须每年秋季和春季学期入学,直到毕业 pg电子app下载.
  • Students must maintain a 2.0 CGPA
  • 从第二学期开始,学生将会 be required to maintain good academic standing.
  • 内布拉斯加州的居民或联邦承认的部落的成员或显示后裔的 提供出生证明和父母登记(与登记办公室联系) for additional questions).
  • 学生将不需要证明需要经济援助.

High School Graduate Scholarship for less than full time or students that do not meet 入学或居住要求

非全日制高中毕业生将获得500美元.00 scholarship the first year of enrollment.

  • 学生必须在高中毕业之日起9个月内入学 completion 他们最后的通识教育文凭.
  • 学生将不需要证明需要经济援助.

pg电子app下载为55岁或以上的公民提供不可退还的学费减免 在入学的第一天. 符合条件的老年人需付费 与学生服务相关的费用. 支付学费的学生有优先权 老年人,如果课程达到容量.

Summer Tuition Waiver
pg电子app下载 offers non-refundable tuition waivers for summer semester when students successfully complete their course work. 学生必须寻求所有经济援助的可能性 prior to receiving this waiver. 夏季的豁免应在开始时提交 of the term.

Other Scholarships
● BRAN Scholarship
● Coca Cola Scholarships
● EDUQuest Scholarship
● NASA scholarship
●鼓励学生完成正在进行的数百个互联网搜索 全年提供的大学奖学金.

学生必须明白,申请奖学金并不一定意味着 该学生将获得奖学金. 所有奖学金都是竞争性的, in most cases, tied to a high grade point average, good attendance, and/or unmet need. 所有奖学金的截止日期都严格遵守. 大多数奖学金都需要书面证明 申请人的论文,照片或其他文件.


Payment of Financial Aid Awards

所有要求的入学和经济援助文件必须完整存档 在获得任何经济援助之前. 每个学生的经济援助都被记入他们在商学院的学生账户 Office in the order received. 所有机构收费,包括学费、杂费、 书籍、材料和用品从助学金中扣除。. If a 学生的经济援助超过机构收费,学生将获得 refund. 大学生将获得最多两次的经济援助 per term. 联邦基金将在第六周和整个学期中发放 出勤和学术成绩证明. Students identified as “no shows” and excessive absenteeism in the first four weeks will have their financial aid held 直到中期审查进展为止. 非联邦资金将在期间/之后支付 the 10th week. 在收到奖金之前,不会颁发任何资金 agency.

那些在一个学期中退出所有课程或不上课的学生, will have their award recalculated as directed by Title IV requirements, usually referred to as R2T4. 这个计算是由财政援助主任完成的,资金是 returned. 如果学生没有达到标准,奖学金也可能会减少 of the scholarship.